Bus on the highway

(B. Keir)

Well, I'm on a bus
On that highway
And I'm quite unsure
I don't feel too safe
About my life no moreI'm gonna sit me
Up at that front door
That's where I can be found
If the bus rolls over baby
I'll have half a chance of getting outI'm gonna take me
A book to read
Stop me getting bored
Spend the morning up in Kempsey
Spend the evening in the morgueIf you drain and burn
My lifeless body
And grind my bones to dust
You can build a second highway
With little financial costJust mix my ashes
Into the concrete
And mix my dust into the road
Build a second highway to Brisbane
From the first one's overload.
© - copyright 1993. Bill Keir. All rights reserved.

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